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E u,  A u g u s t i n  Ţ e n e a
~ from the great metaphor... from the great painting... from the great thought of the world... ~
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"Any fulfilled man was... an unfulfilled man! "

I, Augustin Ţenea, saw the light on the day on December 1, 1972 in Vlădila village, Olt country, Romania – being the fourth of five children of Nicolae and Gheorghiţa Ţenea. I grew up and graduated the primary and secondary school in my native locality.


I wish I got to paint after, I myself, I understood that painting, like writing, is a powerful and convenient means by which I can express... some of the most profound reflections and experiences.


Beyond the separate peace of the drawing that childhood allowed me to meet… my first paintings, for achieving which I used most commonly used materials, properly prepared, date from the period in which, in parallel, I attended high school – some of these works, made either on glass or on cartoon, still retain.


Always concerned that my paintings have a support that will not defile their own dedication and deeply impressed by the celebrity of canvas painting… throughout the period 1987 – 1991 I also used this type of material, but, I found out how this material is prepared properly only 1996 from the painter Cornelia Baciu... who had a workshop in the Central Market of Craiova... where she was painting under the eyes full of admiration.


Because for me painting rises and transcends the everyday struggles, without giving me back from following my usual route… I continue to live in the same autodidact and unblemished state of meditation and creative kneading ennobled, always perfect... by painting each picture.


PThe canvas is the material I always considered it as being the most appropriate support for my paintings, and so, since I have learned and mastered enough its secrets ( years 1996 – 1997 ), I became fully free to paint with all my devotion and trust... the reflections and feelings, some of them being fully outlined for a time in my soul and mind.


In autumn 1997, in my native Vlădila, I painted my first picture on a canvas properly prepared – the picture “Branch of Hope”. Among the paintings that I created on such a surface by the end of year 1998, there are preserved and have been communicated to the public these:
- “Self Crown” - oil on canvas, 31,5 x 25 cm, painted in 1997, in Vlădila;
- “Joy of Life” - oil on canvas, 27 x 23,5 cm, painted in 1998, in Vlădila;
- “Fatality” - oil on canvas, 28 x 21,5 cm, painted in 1998, in Craiova;
- “Branch of Hope” - oil on canvas, 32 x 23,5 cm and
- “Dance Life” - oil on canvas, 22 x 27 cm, painted in 1997, in Craiova.


In the winter of 1999 I met the painter Alexandru Pascu Gheorghe, who, since then, urged me and even offered to support me to exhibit the paintings already painted. Some years later, in 2006, he was among those people of art who were present and spoke at the opening of my first solo exhibition of paintings ( “Philosophy and Soul”). With each of these two artists mentioned above, as with the plastic artist Cristina Oprea that I met a bit later ( in 2002 ), I have been in good friendly relationship. They appreciated that I was following my been own artistic consciousness and confided me the secrets of painting.


On November 12, 2004 I have made public for the first time a painting own creation - the picture “Fatality” ( painted in 1998 ) – in a collective exhibition organised by “Cornetti” School at “Cromatic” Galleries in Craiova. Shortly before mid 2005, also within such an exhibition held in the building of the Prefecture of Dolj county, I exhibitied for the first time two more paintings: “The Joy of Life” and “Dance Life”.


The painting not being an end in itself… I have never backed down to form and follow a common path, besides an almost continuous state of meditation and creative kneading. This path is the only able to offer us constantly reconciliation with the immediacy of life. So:
- starting with October 1991, just a few months after high school, I complied to perform – for one year in Brăila – the military service that was compulsory at that time;
- starting with January 1994, I attended NCOs Military Police School “ Nicolae Golescu” – Slatina, that was followed in July of that year by getting a job in the field and setting in Craiova;
- from 2000 to 2005 I attended and graduated Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences “Nicolae Titulescu” of the University in Craiova;
- not much before 2002 – because of a synovitis in the left knee-isease that continued to affect me in my job – because of the physical effort that I was supposed to make, I saw the need to take into account a new basic qualification. So, thinking that I could teach drawing as a substitute teacher in a school, in the autumm of 2002, in Craiova, I gave the entrance exam and attended the Folk School of Arts and Crafts, painting department, class teacher Cristina Oprea, whom I met in this context;
- between 2005 – 2007 I attended post- graduate Master courses, specialization in public law and criminal sciences, at University in Craiova.


I opened my first painting Exhibition “Philosophy and Soul” on 5 October 2006, at “Radio-Arts” Gallery in Craiova. For the first time, I brought to the public attention the following paintings:
- “Branch of Hope” - oil on canvas, 32 x 23,5 cm, painted in 1997, in Vlădila;
- “Self Crown” - oil on canvas, 31,5 x 25 cm, painted in 1997, in Vlădila;
- “Blessed Threshold” - oil on canvas, 50 x 39,5 cm, painted in 2005, in Craiova;
- “Gordian Knot” - oil on canvas, 41 x 50,5 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova;
- “Harmony I” - oil on canvas, 39,5 x 45 cm, painted in 2005, in Craiova;
- “Great Horizon” - oil on canvas, 49,5 x 40,5 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova;
- “Impetus” - oil on canvas, 48 x 40 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova;
- “Child Steps” - oil on canvas, 38,5 x 48,5 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova;
- “Matrix Time” - oil on canvas, 48 x 39 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova;
- “Elegy” - oil on canvas, 47 x 39 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova;
- “Wisdom” - oil on canvas, 50,5 x 41 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova and
- “Self Spring” - oil on canvas, 50,5 x 41 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova. With this occasion I re-exhibited the paintings: “Fatality”, “Joy of Life” and “Dance Life”. During this artistic event, the plastic artist Cristina Oprea, presented three own creations, wanting to share this event with me. The opening of this exhibition was broadcast live by Radio Oltenia – Craiova.


The covers of several books were illustrated with images of my paintings; the first illustrated book is “Path of Dreams” written by Iulia David, with the paintings “Everning Star Dreaming” - detail and “Impetus” - detail.


On 1 November, 2007 I opened my Painting Exhibition “Self Praise”- at Art Galleries of the Military Circle in Craiova. With this occasion I exhibited for the first time the paintings:
- “Animate Nothingness” - oil on canvas, 52 x 40,5 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova;
- “Equity” - oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova;
- “Vertical Horizons” - oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova;
- “Evening Star Dreaming” - oil on canvas, 50 x 40,5 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova;
- “Dignity” - oil on canvas, 49,5 x 40,5 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova;
- “Fairies` Game” - oil on canvas, 50 x 39,5 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova;
- “Arena Time I” - oil on canvas, 50 x 39,5 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova;
- “Phoenix Bird” - oil on canvas, 49 x 40 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova;
- “Dream from Vlădila” - oil on canvas, 50 x 39,5 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova;
- “Harmony II” - oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova and
- “Time in Time” - oil on canvas, 47 x 41 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova.

Besides these new eleven paintings I reexhibited – except “ Impetus”, “Harmony I” and “The Great Horizon” – all those already publicly shown. At the opening of this artistic manifestation the assessments were made by:
- George Crăciunoiu – curator at the Art Museum “Jean Mihail” in Craiova;
- Cristina Oprea – plastic artist and
- Iulian Segărceanu – plastic artist.

This exhibition was recorded in mass media too, in “Gazeta de Sud”, dated November 3-4, 2007;


At the end of 2007, reaching ten years of full artistic creation and for an over time copyright protection on the 26 paintings that I have created and exhibited since 1997, I published „Augustin Ţenea – Contemporary Painting, Vlădila 1997 – Craiova 2007” – this first picture album:
- contains the images of works mentioned above;
- was dedicated “to all Romanians who were not part of the repressive apparatus of communist regime”;
- was given to all who were present at the opening of the exhibition “Self Praise” and
- can be found at the National Library – Art Departament – number ARS-II-7580 or at the County Libraries- Craiova and Olt- Slatina.


In “Curierul” magazine belonging to Craiova City Hall ( February edition – 2008 ) the following paintings were presented: “Arena Time I”, “Fairies` Game”, “Great Horizon”, “Dream from Vlădila”, “Impetus”, “Vertical Horizons”, “Self Spring” and “Blessed Threshold”.


www.augustintenea.ro – and I also booked and registered www.augustintenea.com.

On 12.02.2008/nr.1185 – at the National Register of Works- by the Romanian Office for Copyright, I registered and archived the images of all 26 paintings that I have communicated to the public by the end of 2007.


In July 2008, I exposed on the sites: wwww.tudor-art.com and www.gallerya.ro pictures of my paintings:
- “Matrix Time”,
- “Fatality”,
- “Impetus”,
- “Great Horizon”,
- “Time in Time”,
- “Fairies` Game”,
- “Elegy” and
- “Dream from Vlădila”.


In spring 2009, I opened my site: www.augustintenea.ro through which I presented (even until the inauguration - on September 20, 2010 – of its current version www.augustintenea.com) the pictures of my paintings which I created and communicated to the public in the first 10 years of full artistic creation 1997 – 2001.


In May 2010, I published the second picture album “Augustin Ţenea – Painting, vol. II”, in the contents of which you can find the call: For full protection, now and over time, of copyright, for the safety of national and international circuit of works of painting... I propose to those interested the following:
a) to work coherently, at least at state level, classical archives and electronic archives with the image and features of every work of art-that the painter artist-author considered original and representative for what is himself;
b) besides recording the image of every painting the photography of the back support of that work should be archived and this part of the painting – containing the elements that are in a unique correlation, restricts any attempt of doubting the authenticity or the authorship of that work and
c) especially on sites devoted to art, responsible, there should be mentioned prominently- based on clear evidence – the first public exposure of every work of painting (if it was previously communicated public) or the posted date on that site. More details about this second Picture Album can be seen in section: album – vol. II.
d) mai multe detalii despre acest nou album: vezi secţiunea: album - vol. II.


On June 2, 2010 copies of the album “Augustin Ţenea – Painting, vol. II”, have been made available for public through a public library.


Before July 2010, with images of my paintings “Friendship”- detail and “Retrieval”- there were illustrated the covers one and four of the book with ISBN: 078-606-05070-7 (author Gheorghe Daniluc). Here are other books with illustrated covers for which there have already beeu used images, in whole or in detail, of my paintings:
- “Path of Dreams”, author Iulia David - ISBN: 978-973-1737-43-0;
- “Orchard Secured by Butterflies”, author Florea Florescu - ISBN: 978-973-1737-40-9;
- “Violet Dance”, author Aurel Rotaru - ISBN: 978-973-1737-47-8 and
- “Successor”, author Ion Catrina - ISBN: 978-973-1954-31-8.
