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~ from the great metaphor... from the great painting... from the great thought of the world... ~
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Gallery I
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Timpul în Timp
Cunună Sinelui
Nod Gordian
Privire în Timp I
Roata Vieţii
Fericitul Prag
Orizonturi Verticale
Ram de Speranţă
Naşterea unui Eu
Bucuria Vieţii
Jocul ielelor
Marele Orizont
Vis de la Vlădila
Matricea Timpului
Armonie I
Zbor către Sine
Eseu despre Fiinţă
Luceafărul visând
Abisul la Răscruce
Paşi de Copil
Geneza I
Elogiu Sinelui
Eseu despre Veşnicie
Pasărea Phoenix
Fiinţă şi Timp
Trup şi Suflet
Neant însufleţit
Perpetuarea Firescului
Seară de Mai
Izvorul Sinelui
Adevărul triumfând
Armonie II
Arena Timpului I
Geneza II
Coloana Firii
Arena Timpului II
Elogiu lui... (titlu menţionat, aici, doar parţial)

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Gallery I
« Art... respect for each! »
Matrix Time
~ Matrix Time ~

Matrix Time
Matrix Time
- oil on canvas, 48 x 39 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 2006 » see section data
~ Dignity ~

- oil on canvas, 49,5 x 40,5 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 01.11.2007 » see section data
Harmony II
~ Harmony II ~

Harmony II
Harmony II
- oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 01.11.2007 » see section data
Look on Time I
~ Look on Time I ~

Look on Time I
Look on Time I
- oil on canvas, 50,5 x 41 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova
- this work was made public even before 02.06.2010 » see section data
Phoenix Bird
~ Phoenix Bird ~

Phoenix Bird
Phoenix Bird
- oil on canvas, 49 x 40 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 01.11.2007 » see section data
Blessed Threshold
~ Blessed Threshold ~

Blessed Threshold
Blessed Threshold
- oil on canvas, 50 x 39,5 cm, painted in 2005, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 2006 » see section data
Branch of Hope
~ Branch of Hope ~

Branch of Hope
Branch of Hope
- oil on canvas, 32 x 23,5 cm, painted in 1997, in Vlădila
- this work was made public in 2006 » see section data
Self Spring
~ Self Spring ~

Self Spring
Self Spring
- oil on canvas, 50,5 x 41 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 2006 » see section data
Time in Time
~ Time in Time ~

Time in Time
Time in Time
- oil on canvas, 47 x 41 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 01.11.2007 » see section data
~ Equity ~

- oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 01.11.2007 » see section data
Abyss at thr Crossroads
~ Abyss at thr Crossroads ~

Abyss at thr Crossroads
Abyss at thr Crossroads
- oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, painted in 2008, in Craiova
- this work was made public even before 02.06.2010 » see section data
The Flight to Itself
~ The Flight to Itself ~

The Flight to Itself
The Flight to Itself
- oil on canvas, 50 x 39,5 cm, painted in 2008, in Craiova
- this work was made public even before 02.06.2010 » see section data
Animate Nothigness
~ Animate Nothigness ~

Animate Nothigness
Animate Nothigness
- oil on canvas, 52 x 40,5 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 01.11.2007 » see section data
Genesis II
~ Genesis II ~

Genesis II
Genesis II
- oil on canvas, 50,5 x 40 cm, painted in 2008, in Craiova
- this work was made public even before 02.06.2010 » see section data
Being and Time
~ Being and Time ~

Being and Time
Being and Time
- oil on canvas, 39,5 x 49,5 cm, painted in 2009, in Craiova
- this work was made public even before 02.06.2010 » see section data
~ Impetus ~

- oil on canvas, 48 x 40 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 01.11.2006 » see section data

Painting, art in general, is not an end in itself but a genuine way... to harmony, being:
- mirror of the human soul;
- cramp of forever purple sky;
- image of human being`s unrest;
- order and redemption of self-consciousness;
- means to transmit messages, beliefs to the followers;
- echo of the artist`s respect for his self and his love for others;
- horizon that calls us and invites us when we scan fulfillment steps;
- plucking, comfort, raising of the naturalness from self-artist for... the future;
- window that, with divine will, was slightly open by us, people... aud that can only be closed by us;
- palm of truth that can help us to shatter... always `netracele` patterns imposed...

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