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E u,  A u g u s t i n  Ţ e n e a
~ from the great metaphor... from the great painting... from the great thought of the world... ~
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Album-vol II

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Geneza I
Armonie II
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Geneza II
Adevărul triumfând
Eseu despre Fiinţă
Bucuria Vieţii
Perpetuarea Firescului
Eseu despre Veşnicie
Roata Vieţii
Elogiu Sinelui
Paşi de Copil
Arena Timpului II
Fericitul Prag
Marele Orizont
Luceafărul visând
Arena Timpului I
Zbor către Sine
Jocul ielelor
Elogiu lui... (titlu menţionat, aici, doar parţial)
Ram de Speranţă
Nod Gordian
Orizonturi Verticale
Pasărea Phoenix
Neant însufleţit
Izvorul Sinelui
Armonie I

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Album-vol II

This album “Augustin Ţenea – Painting, vol. II”:

- contains the images (presented in this site too) of 24 works of painting which I created after my first decade of full artistic creation;

- shows the most relevant information about my creative artistic activity;

- is printed in special graphic conditions, the images of the paintings being rendered with remarkable fidelity or color shades;

- the whole text, which includes some own reflections that I published for the first time, is written in Romanian;

- renders, instead of dedication, the following statement:
„I could dedicate this second Painting Album to those who publicly recant, who give up their habits that still continue to mislead, to dictate to human societies feelings, attitudes and, of course… non-Zamolxe circumstances!”

- contains my advice:
For full protection, now and over time, of copyright, for the safety of national and international circuit of works of painting… I propose to those interested the following:

1. to work coherently, at least at state level, classical archives and electronic archives with the image and features of every work of art-that the painter artist-author considered original and representative for what is himself;

2. besides recording the image of every painting, the photography of the back support of that work should be archived and this part of the painting – containing the elements that are in a unique correlation, restricts any attempt of doubting the authenticity or the authorship of that work and;

3. especially on site devoted to art, responsible, there should be mentioned prominently- based on clear evidence – the first public exposure of every work of painting (if it was previously communicated public) or the posted date on that site.

On the outer cover of the book are given, wholly or partially, and with a fidelity of colour shades suitable for this, images of all the 26 works of painting which I created and brought to the public in my first decade of full artistic creation 1997 – 2007.

Appeared to publishing house “Revers” in Craiova, edition I, year of publication 2010, ISBN: 978-606-8183-35-0, number of pages: 32, formed about 20,5/14,5 cm.

In the near future this album can be bought in bookstores in Romania or, from the moment the section - you can have - will be opened... through this website www.augustintenea.com!