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~ from the great metaphor... from the great painting... from the great thought of the world... ~
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Elogiu Sinelui
Vis de la Vlădila
Fericitul Prag
Zbor către Sine
Paşi de Copil
Armonie II
Seară de Mai
Trup şi Suflet
Geneza II
Arena Timpului I
Abisul la Răscruce
Pasărea Phoenix
Naşterea unui Eu
Matricea Timpului
Elogiu lui... (titlu menţionat, aici, doar parţial)
Ram de Speranţă
Perpetuarea Firescului
Orizonturi Verticale
Neant însufleţit
Bucuria Vieţii
Privire în Timp I
Nod Gordian
Eseu despre Veşnicie
Luceafărul visând
Adevărul triumfând
Timpul în Timp
Coloana Firii
Jocul ielelor
Arena Timpului II
Cunună Sinelui
Izvorul Sinelui
Marele Orizont
Fiinţă şi Timp
Roata Vieţii
Eseu despre Fiinţă
Armonie I
Geneza I

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Gallery I
« Art... respect for each! »
Matrix Time
~ Matrix Time ~

Matrix Time
Matrix Time
- oil on canvas, 48 x 39 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 2006 » see section data
~ Dignity ~

- oil on canvas, 49,5 x 40,5 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 01.11.2007 » see section data
Harmony II
~ Harmony II ~

Harmony II
Harmony II
- oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 01.11.2007 » see section data
Look on Time I
~ Look on Time I ~

Look on Time I
Look on Time I
- oil on canvas, 50,5 x 41 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova
- this work was made public even before 02.06.2010 » see section data
Phoenix Bird
~ Phoenix Bird ~

Phoenix Bird
Phoenix Bird
- oil on canvas, 49 x 40 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 01.11.2007 » see section data
Blessed Threshold
~ Blessed Threshold ~

Blessed Threshold
Blessed Threshold
- oil on canvas, 50 x 39,5 cm, painted in 2005, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 2006 » see section data
Branch of Hope
~ Branch of Hope ~

Branch of Hope
Branch of Hope
- oil on canvas, 32 x 23,5 cm, painted in 1997, in Vlădila
- this work was made public in 2006 » see section data
Self Spring
~ Self Spring ~

Self Spring
Self Spring
- oil on canvas, 50,5 x 41 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 2006 » see section data
Time in Time
~ Time in Time ~

Time in Time
Time in Time
- oil on canvas, 47 x 41 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 01.11.2007 » see section data
~ Equity ~

- oil on canvas, 50 x 40 cm, painted in 2007, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 01.11.2007 » see section data
Abyss at thr Crossroads
~ Abyss at thr Crossroads ~

Abyss at thr Crossroads
Abyss at thr Crossroads
- oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm, painted in 2008, in Craiova
- this work was made public even before 02.06.2010 » see section data
The Flight to Itself
~ The Flight to Itself ~

The Flight to Itself
The Flight to Itself
- oil on canvas, 50 x 39,5 cm, painted in 2008, in Craiova
- this work was made public even before 02.06.2010 » see section data
Animate Nothigness
~ Animate Nothigness ~

Animate Nothigness
Animate Nothigness
- oil on canvas, 52 x 40,5 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 01.11.2007 » see section data
Genesis II
~ Genesis II ~

Genesis II
Genesis II
- oil on canvas, 50,5 x 40 cm, painted in 2008, in Craiova
- this work was made public even before 02.06.2010 » see section data
Being and Time
~ Being and Time ~

Being and Time
Being and Time
- oil on canvas, 39,5 x 49,5 cm, painted in 2009, in Craiova
- this work was made public even before 02.06.2010 » see section data
~ Impetus ~

- oil on canvas, 48 x 40 cm, painted in 2006, in Craiova
- this work was made public in 01.11.2006 » see section data

Painting, art in general, is not an end in itself but a genuine way... to harmony, being:
- mirror of the human soul;
- cramp of forever purple sky;
- image of human being`s unrest;
- order and redemption of self-consciousness;
- means to transmit messages, beliefs to the followers;
- echo of the artist`s respect for his self and his love for others;
- horizon that calls us and invites us when we scan fulfillment steps;
- plucking, comfort, raising of the naturalness from self-artist for... the future;
- window that, with divine will, was slightly open by us, people... aud that can only be closed by us;
- palm of truth that can help us to shatter... always `netracele` patterns imposed...

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